Hello, my name is James Lowry and I’m with Lightening Labels in Denver, Colorado.  I’m the General Manager there and basically one of the other things that I would like to share with you is just in different models, different companies have different approaches to how they do business and one of the things that’s proven to be very successful for us is to focus on more of a niche environment to where we’re looking at trying to keep it simple. 

We offer a limited number of substraights and we try and target materials that are going to serve many purposes and in most cases that has served us very well.  And it helps in working with our customers as well because they are actually able to not worry so much about the details because as we all know in the label world there are lots of options as far as face stocks and adhesives, and liners, and all the applications.  And we work with our customers to understand what their needs are and then we also then work the materialist that we have.

 In most cases we have options that work for them.  I typically use the cliche of or acronym of Kiss which I substitute the last s for standardized, keep it simple and standardized.  And in that world its been both successful for us as a business and it’s also very successful for our customers as well.  It helps both of us stay focused on what we do best and we’re able to provide a product to our customers with a digital print that’s very high quality.  And they’re very satisfied with the results and the effects that they are able to achieve when they go to market their products.