John McMahon, Vice President of Operations.  Madden Communications in Wooddale, Illinois.

To carry on our conversation we are really looking at not the print-buyer level; those folks we can't really serve all that well.  The CMOs, the CEOs, the folks that are putting strategy together and understand that there's lots of costs to be taken out from a total cost perspective as opposed to unit cost and other things such as that are the ones that we're interested in working with.

Our company really specializes in allowing large companies that have a big retail presence to outsource a good portion of that entire execution process.  We're not an agency, so we don't a lot of creative direction; although, we collaborate on that process but we're not creating images for the most part and acting like a typical agency.  We try to position ourselves so that our customers can really outsource that entire process from an execution point of view.  So we'll take the files from agencies and we'll create the work, we'll print it if it's print piece that fits within our capabilities, we'll procure it if it is not, we will do all sorts of value-added things like warehousing distribution, kitting, labeling, special packaging, mod building, that kind of thing, and do distribution.

We have two large distribution centers that are dedicated to customers that they fund, that we manage for them and that those programs are specifically for those clients.