Fast-Fact-LogoWhatTheyThink’s Going Green has joined forces with Two Sides to help address the “perceptions” that paper destroys forests, that electronic media are “greener” than print and paper, and that recycling is the solution to all environmental ills. The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) tells us that “Paper and paperboard recovery has increased 81% between 1990 and 2011.” Why Should You Care? There are two basic issues vis-à-vis paper recycling. The first is recovering used paper to make more paper. However, paper can only be recycled so many times before the fibers become damaged beyond usability. And even if that were not the case, not using virgin pulp doesn’t necessarily help save trees, since timber industry forests that are no longer harvested (and sustainably harvested, which is not an oxymoron) run the risk of being sold and cleared completely to build strip malls or subdivisions. Still, paper recycling is a worthy objective in terms of preventing stuff from being sent to landfills. For more Two Sides facts see