Don Carli, senior research fellow with the Institute for Sustainable Communications, asks, "Are you prepared to fight for print’s future?" Says Carli:
This isn’t a time to fight back with underfunded and ill-conceived campaigns based on zero-sum arguments. Trying to pick a “pixels vs. paper” fight is a no-win proposition. Business, government and society cannot afford to become dependent upon a digital media mono-culture any more than it can afford to be solely dependent on fossil fuel energy. However, this is not a time for the print media pot to call the digital media kettle black. This is a time to call for transparency and truth in advertising. We need media that IS greener, not media that just says it’s greener. The fact is that neither print NOR digital media supply chains are sustainable as currently configured.
We're no longer deciding between pixels or print, it's now pixels AND print. Read the rest of the story...