According to Forbes, Groupon is the fastest growing company on the Web — ever. The concept is simple. Get local businesses together, get them to offer massive discounts to Groupon members, and then share the revenue. For customers, the benefits go beyond discounts. There is the fun and novelty of being exposed to local businesses they might not otherwise have known about. Groupon's discounts are so steep that participating businesses might not actually make money on the coupon deal, but what they do get is exposure to thousands of new customers in a single day. What's the value of that? There is a powerful lesson here for printers — especially 1:1 MSPs. Think personalized Value Paks. I saw a terrific case study in the PODi case study archives recently that really impressed me. The printer approached local businesses and created personalized offers for residents in the local area. Because it was a co-op venture, each business paid less for its personalized offer than it would have had to do on its own. What a terrific idea. Why aren't more MSPs doing something like this? The outrageous success of Groupon drives home how powerful the idea of aggregation can be. In the printing industry, we may be competing with the Web, but we can learn from it, too. Groupon's success ought to be getting a lot of wheels turning!