Perhaps it is just me, but does anyone really think it is a good idea for print products to drive readers to their computers and to the web? This is a big duh, what were they thinking moment.

Cool ....yes, but cool for whom?  This is a really cool look at what the internet can do and has very little to do with print magazines.  It makes the magazine a comical sidekick to the real star. This has nothing to do with the assets and attributes of magazine publishing.

Wouldn't it be better to what we do best? Provide the best reading material possible.  What if the money that was spent on this project was spent instead on the very best authors available? Hmmm. Reading the damn best authors available.... I'd spend some real money on that!  Please lets try to do what we do best or just fold up out tents and capitulate now.  Excelling in your niche is your only hope. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

I do wish these guys would call me first. Oh, well, for the record, I am always out here if you need me.