In a recent article I covered the acquisition of part of St Ives Group, one of the largest web offset printing operations in Europe by a competitor, Walstead Investments, to create the largest magazine web offset printer in the UK. Since then there have been significant developments among Walstead’s competitors that are likely to change the structure of magazine printing in Europe. This article covers the latest developments in this market area
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The industry has been consolidating for more than 20 years. First it was manufacturers (Planeta; Berthold; Autologic; Harris; Hoechst and other plate vendors... shall we go on?) Then distribution (in the US PrimeSource / Enovation / the prime example no pun intended), the the printers - look at QuebecorWorld; RRD. So it's finally come to Europe.
By John Zarwan on May 03, 2011
The industry has been consolidating for more than 20 years. First it was manufacturers (Planeta; Berthold; Autologic; Harris; Hoechst and other plate vendors... shall we go on?) Then distribution (in the US PrimeSource / Enovation / the prime example no pun intended), the the printers - look at QuebecorWorld; RRD. So it's finally come to Europe.
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